For those of us who eat meat, there is nothing more delicious than pork, especially at breakfast time. You know…bacon, sausage, more bacon, that sort of thing. While pork and pork products can be delicious, they can also be deadly if you don’t cook them properly.
This is the x-ray of a woman in China whose body is now riddled with parasitic worms and cysts as a result of eating raw pork for years.
In case you’re wondering, a healthy brain should not have any dots like those showing up on the scan.
The formal name for her condition is Cysticercosis, which is caused by a tapeworm called Taenia solium.
This is the beast’s horrifying face. Say hello!
These buggers live inside the muscles of pigs. When humans eat the tainted meat, they jump ship and take up residence in our digestive tracts as tapeworms.
And if your personal hygiene is less than perfect, the eggs can jump from your feces to your hands. From there, they can infect all different parts of the body.
While pork tapeworms aren’t a big issue here in the United States, it’s never a bad idea to thoroughly cook your pork before eating it.
(via Reddit)
That is utterly terrifying. Still…it’s going to take a lot more than that to make me give up bacon. It’s literally the best food ever.