You might say that California is the land of strip malls. However, just because there are strip malls on every corner, doesn’t mean that there isn’t something interesting happening in them. For example, earlier this week the LAPD was called to a Santería store in Compton after a customer spotted what looked an awful lot like human skulls for sale…
This is the shop in question, located on Long Beach Boulevard in the Compton area of Los Angeles.
Police arrived at the store and did indeed find some skeletal remains for sale. Whether those bones are indeed human or animal is yet to be determined.
Technically, in California possessing human remains is legal, but a long list of regulations can make the process of purchasing them difficult.
For those who don’t know, Santería is a Caribbean religion that was brought to the Americas by slaves from West Africa. It’s a unique belief system that includes aspects of Catholicism.
(via LAist)
Admittedly, I don’t know too much about Los Angeles, but I feel like this story would make more sense if it happened in a place like New York City.