Almost Every American Household Uses Them, But They Could Cause Massive Fires

Everyone has that one spot in their home that, for whatever reason, is always cold. So what do you do? You turn to an old friend, of course, and that friend is your parents’ space heater from 1976.

As it turns out, however, these seasonal allies can turn on you if you’re not careful. One stupid move and your house can burn down! Here is everything you need to know about using space heaters safely.

In 2011, heating equipment caused 53,600 structure fires in the U.S., and 400 people died as a result.

The total amount of damage caused by these fires is estimated to be around $893 million.

Space heaters in particular cause 33% of all home heating fires, and 81% of heating-related deaths.

More than half of all heater fires are caused by placing things that can easily burn too close to the units.

Space heaters should be plugged directly into the wall. If they’re plugged into extension cords, the wires can overheat in a matter of minutes.

Nowadays, new space heaters come with features that turn the units off when they’re tipped over, but it’s still up to the user make sure that there are no curtains, blankets, or sheets nearby. As cozy as it is, placing a space heater in bed with you and cuddling with it like a teddy bear is basically asking for death.