We All Love These Pixar Films, But Have You Ever Noticed What They’re Hiding?

Say what you want about life imitating art, but you really can’t argue with the fact that art imitates itself every now and again. Just ask the creators over at Pixar. You’ve probably seen most of their movies, but did you know that some of their most popular films pay homage to the greats of cinema past?

Movies like Toy Story, Up, and The Incredibles are filled to the brim with references to some of the most beloved films of all time.

The parallels might not be obvious at first, but looking at the productions with a discerning eye reveals the level of influence that these revered blockbusters have had on Pixar’s greatest hits over the years.

After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

To see more of these parallels in action, check this out:

(via Design Taxi)

Pretty amazing, right? It’s easy to watch Pixar movies with idle, cartoon-loving eyes, but the next time they roll out another classic, be on the lookout for allusions to your favorite cinematic standbys.