This Mom Has An Ingenious Trick For Making Sure Her Daughter Isn’t Lying To Her

I’m glad that smartphones weren’t around when I was a teen. I’d probably be like Kaelyn Demmon, 18, whose mom Heather Steinkopf has figured out a brilliant way to keep tabs on her.

Steinkopf told BuzzFeed that she requests selfies only some of the time, so Demmon never knows when she’s going to get a request for one. She also requests specific poses (like thumbs up) so her daughter can’t give her an old photo.

And yes, sometimes it has resulted in Demmon being caught in a lie. “There’ve been times when I’ve said I’m at Stevie’s when I’m at a bonfire or something,” she told BuzzFeed.

I’m just surprised she never went as far as to ask her daughter to hold up a copy of the day’s newspaper or something.

In just a few months, however, Demmon is going to college—and her mother won’t be able to keep tabs on her so easily anymore. “She’s awesome, so I’m not worried about her,” her mom said. If my mom is any guide, I don’t believe it for a second.

[h/t: BuzzFeed